Killing enemies or servants who have failed but are loyal is " a waste of resources" and his inevitable newfound friends are " tactically advantageous allies." Their goals are evil but their means, not so much.Ī lot of this behavior is sometimes explained as the result of a complex they acquired when they felt weak and helpless, and all they really need is to be loved. He'll also be obsessed with explaining this behavior so people won't think that he's gone soft. He'll topple your castle, but he'll do it right after everyone has cleared out first.

However, every so often a situation presents itself and he's just not willing to go the extra mile necessary to be completely evil. He'll practice his evil laugh and iron his cape so that it billows just right when he makes his entrance. The Noble Demon doesn't care that he has a bad image - he actively cultivates and embraces it.

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#Summon night swordcraft story 2 sidekicks manual#